Flowing Water (Guqin Music)

Posted By: Joy Published: 18/04/2023 Times Read: 912 Comments: 0

Guqin: Chen Leiji

Guqin melody Flowing Water goes back a very long time, dating back to the Spring Autumn Period (722 BC to 481 BC).

This song was played by famed guqin player BoYa to his cherished friend ZiQi, who understood and appreciated the meanings BoYa tried to convey through his music.

The enduring bond between the player and listener was captured in a fabled story of friendship, borne out of music, which is cherished and praised to this present day.

Formerly part of a combined song called High Mountains Flowing Water, the song was broken up into High Mountains and Flower Water during the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD).

Taking full advantage of the vast array of guqin fingering techniques, Flowing Water is a uniquely expressive piece describing the difference actions of flowing water through its life cycle.

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